PCL Nursing and Diploma in Pharmacy Admission at Shradha Institute of Health Science
At the Shradha Institute of Health Sciences, affiliated with CTEVT; Academic Session 2077/078 Certificate Level Nursing (Staff Nurse)- 40 and Diploma in Pharmacy - 40 seats for the first year of study. Application forms are being distributed by the college administration.
Last date to fill the form: Sunday, 2077-06-15
Application fee: 800 / -
Shradha Institute of Health Science
Thimi, Bhaktapur
Phone No.: -6632344, 6631613, 6634420
Also Read:
1. Diploma / PCL Level Full Fee Paying Admission - CTEVT
2. Diploma / PCL Level Classified Scholarship - CTEVT
3. Pre-Diploma Level Admission (Full Fee Paying) Notice - CTEVT