HA, CMLT, Pharmacy, Ophthalmic Science, Physiotherapy, Dental Hygiene, Radiography Admission at School of Health Science

Admission 21 Aug 2021 11079

PCL and Diploma Level Health Program Admission at School of Health Sciences

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training, School of Health Sciences, Bharatpur, Chitwan Notice regarding admission for the academic year 2078/079 HA, CMLT, Pharmacy, Ophthalmic Science, Physiotherapy, Dental Hygiene, Radiography

The School of Health Sciences, Bharatpur Chitwan, an affiliate of the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), is pleased to announce the opening of the Certificate and Diploma Level Application Form for the academic year 2078/79. The ophthalmic program is a joint program of CTEVT and NNJSBEH.

Courses and Fee Structures:

Programs Concession fee Full Paying Fee
General Medicine (HA) 48625 129625
Medical Lab 52125 133125
Diploma in Pharmacy 48625 129625
Diagnostic Radiography 52125 133125
Physiotherapy 52125 133125
Dental Science 52125 133125
Ophthalmic Science 52125 327500

Contact Details:

School of Health Science

Bharatpur, Chitwan

Phone: 056-520243

Phone: www.sohs.edu.np / www.sohsbharatpur.com

Published date: 2078-05-04


School of Health Science

Bharatpur, Chitwan

Estd. 1997


