MTech in IT, MTech in AI and Master of Health Information Admission Open at KU SOE

Admission 02 Nov 2023 1395

Kathmandu University Notice

MTech in IT, MTech in AI and Master of Health Information Admission Open at KU SOE

Kathmandu University School of Engineering Master's Degree Program (Course Based) Call for Application for Admission 2023

Kathmandu University (KU), School of Engineering calls for applications for admission in the following Master's Degree Programs for the academic year 2023.

  • Master of Technology in Information Technology (MTech in IT)
  • Master of Technology in Artificial Intelligence (MTech in AI)
  • Master in Health Informatics


Candidates are required to check the program specific application eligibility criteria, application requirements, applicable fee, and scholarship scheme which is attached with this admission call notice or contact the Department of Computer Science & Engineering before applying to this Pmgra.


Aspiring eligible candidates are required to duly fill in the Online Application Form available at KU Website (

To complete the application, applicants are required to pay the application fee of NRs. 1,500/- (non-refundable) to Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited A/C no., 00501030255547 payable to KU-School Of Engineering account. Candidates are informed to submit a scanned copy of the application fee paym'ent voucher and photograph, copies of certificates/transcripts/nationality, and relevant documents (if any) by email provided below or physically to the Department.

An entrance card for the admission test will be issued on the day of the admission test. Selected candidates on the basis of the admission test shall be notified for interview. Successful candidates passing both the written test and the interview would be selected for admission based on merit.

The completed application submission deadline is November 23, 2023 Apply online:

Email for sending the documents: [email protected]tp

Notice Published Date: October 30, 2023

Admission Open