TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY, INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING (IOE), PULCHOWK CAMPUS, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Detailed Information on Admission for MSc at IOE, Pulchowk Campus
The Institute of Engineering, Entrance Examination Board, has published the following admission program for candidates who passed the entrance exam conducted in the month of Magh 2081 for the academic year 2081/082 and wish to enroll in the MSc program at this campus.
Post Graduate (M.Sc.) Level Admission Programme
Program | Date and Time |
1) Filling the Online Application Form | From 2081/11/26, 10:00 AM to 2081/12/01, 3:00 PM |
2) Apply for Available Quotas | 2081/11/26, 27, 28, and 2081/12/01, daily from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, at IT Center, Pulchowk Campus |
3) Publication of Applicants' List | 2081/12/06, 10:00 AM |
4) Addition/Amendment in Preferences | 2081/12/06, 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM |
5) Publication of Final Applicants' List | 2081/12/06, 5:00 PM |
6) Publication of the First List | 2081/12/10, 10:00 AM |
7) Objections to the First List | 2081/12/10, 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM |
8) Publication of Revised First List | 2081/12/10, 5:00 PM |
9) Admission from the First List | 2081/12/11 to 2081/12/15, daily from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM (detailed information will accompany the list) |
10) Publication of the Second List | 2081/12/18, 10:00 AM |
11) Objections to the Second List | 2081/12/18, 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM |
12) Publication of Revised Second List | 2081/12/18, 5:00 PM |
13) Admission from the Second List | 2081/12/19 and 2081/12/20, daily from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
14) Publication of the Third List | 2081/12/22, 10:00 AM |
15) Objections to the Third List | 2081/12/22, 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM |
16) Publication of Revised Third List | 2081/12/22, 5:00 PM |
17) Admission from the Third List | 2081/12/24 and 2081/12/25, daily from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM |
18) Notification for Further Admission Programs | 2081/12/26 |
On the days of the above programs, even if there is a public holiday or an unexpected holiday, the enrollment committee office will remain open and all enrollment programs will continue as scheduled. This is informed to all concerned.
For applicants wishing to enroll in M.Sc. level at this campus, detailed enrollment information is provided as follows:
While filling the Online Application Form, applicants are instructed to carefully read the Information Brochure issued by the Entrance Examination Board, "Entrance Examination and Admission Procedure for MSc Programs, 2081" and follow the prescribed date and time for completing the necessary procedure. For any additional information or if any confusion arises, contact can be made with the Information Technology Center, Pulchok Campus.
1. Online Application Form Arrangement:
For admission to various postgraduate programs in this campus, the Online Application Form must be filled within the following date and time. Online Application Form can only be submitted after depositing the required amount through the methods mentioned below. The bank voucher must mandatorily include the applicant's name and entrance examination roll number. After completing the Online Form, the Confirmation Page must be printed and kept as proof.
Online application form website: pcampus.edu.np Online Application Form Available Time: From 10:00 AM on 2081/11/26 to 3:00 PM on 2081/12/01
1.1) A fee of NPR 500/- will be charged per subject while filling the Online Application Form. Regular and Full Fee programs for any program will be counted as separate subjects. Therefore, if an application is submitted with priority for both Regular and Full Fee, it will be considered as two subjects. Quota applicants who wish to apply to the open category must fill a separate Online Application Form.
1.2) Application fee can be paid through the following methods:
The specified fee must be deposited in the campus account at Siddhartha Bank Limited, Patan Dhoka Branch, and the voucher must be obtained. While filling the bank voucher, the applicant's full name and IOE Entrance Exam Roll No. (excluding the year) must be clearly written. For example, if an applicant's IOE Entrance Exam Roll No. is 2081-16026, only 16026 should be written as the Roll No.
The specified fee can also be paid through various e-Wallet service providers (such as eSewa, Khalti, IME Pay), ConnectIPS, or Siddhartha Bank Limited's Bank Smart. While paying through this method, the applicant's full name, IOE Entrance Exam Roll No. (excluding the year, e.g., if Roll No. is 2081-16026, only 16026 should be written), and the required amount must be included.
2. Program-wise Enrollment Seat Count:
The enrollment capacity for various postgraduate programs in this campus will be as per point 1.4 of the Information Brochure, Entrance Examination and Admission Procedure for M.Sc. Programs, 2081 issued by the Entrance Examination Board.
3. Minimum Qualification Required for Program Enrollment:
The Prerequisite Degree and Entrance Stream for admission to various postgraduate programs will be as per point 2.1 of the Information Brochure, Entrance Examination and Admission Procedure for M.Sc. Programs, 2081 issued by the Entrance Examination Board.
4. Program Suspension: If 60% of the Full Fee and Sponsored Quota seats are not filled by the time of first enrollment list publication, the campus may suspend that program for that year. In such a situation, the enrollment list will be published without considering the suspended program.
If even after the third enrollment list, 60% of Full Fee and Sponsored Quota seats are not filled, the program will be suspended for that academic year, and the applicant's enrollment fee will be fully refunded.
5. Changes or Modifications in Priority Order: If changes or modifications are required in the specified priority order while filling the Online Application Form, an application must be submitted to the Campus Enrollment Committee between 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM on 2081/12/06, along with a bank voucher including the additional fee as follows:
Priority modification fee NPR 500/-
Additional subject fee NPR 500/- per subject If priority is reduced, the submitted fee will not be refunded.
6. Regarding Quota Applications:
Applicants applying under any Quota (IoE Reserved / Sponsored/ TU / TU-IoE) must deposit NPR 500/- in Siddhartha Bank and fill a separate Online Application Form for the quota. Application can be made for only one program under Quota. If a name is published under any Quota, that applicant's name will automatically be removed from other priority lists. Documents according to quota must be submitted to the Information Technology Center, Pulchok Campus between 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM on 2081/11/26, 27, 28, and 2081/12/01.
6.1) Regarding IoE Reserved Quota Applications: Applicants applying under IoE Reserved Quota must submit the following documents within the specified date and time:
An application addressed to the enrollment committee, clarifying which campus they are a teacher/staff member of and which subject they wish to study. Confirmation Page obtained after filling the Online Application Form for IoE Reserved Quota Certified copy of Nepali citizenship Certified letter proving current employment in the respective campus Prior approval/recommendation letter from the IoE Dean's office for enrollment in IoE Reserved Quota
Priority will be given to permanent teachers/staff members of the IoE Institute. If no permanent teachers/staff are available, temporary/contract teachers/staff who have completed at least three years of service may be enrolled. However, for teachers/staff selected under IoE Reserved Quota, the applicant must bear the entire fee for studying in the respective program.
6.2) Regarding TU/TU-IoE Quota Applications: Applicants applying under TU/TU-IoE Quota must submit the following documents within the specified date and time:
An application addressed to the enrollment committee, clarifying which campus they are a teacher/staff member of and which subject they wish to study. If applying as a child of a teacher/staff member, an application specifying which campus's teacher/staff member they are and which subject they wish to study. Confirmation Page obtained after filling the Online Application Form for TU/TU-IoE Reserved Quota Certified copy of Nepali citizenship For teachers/staff, prior approval letter from the respective Dean's office or Registrar's office For children of teachers/staff, a recommendation letter from the campus office where the teacher/staff is employed
6.3) Regarding Sponsored Quota Applications: Applicants applying under Sponsored Quota must submit the following documents within the specified date and time:
An application addressed to the enrollment committee, specifying which organization is sponsoring them and which subject they wish to study Confirmation Page obtained after filling the Online Application Form for Sponsored Quota Certified copy of Nepali citizenship Original copy of sponsorship commitment letter from the sponsoring organization, clearly indicating the subject of study For government offices and government-owned institutions, a copy of the sponsorship decision For sponsoring organizations other than government offices, registration certificate, organization renewal (as needed), tax registration, and tax clearance certificate for the previous fiscal year
Payment for Sponsored Quota enrollment must be made in a lump sum by check. Payment must be made through an account payee check drawn in the name of this campus (I.O.E. Pulchowk Campus), payable from the sponsoring organization's account.
When publishing names for Sponsored Quota enrollment, the following priorities will be given:
First Priority: Government offices and government-owned institutions Second Priority: All other institutions
If an applicant has applied to both Sponsored and Regular or Full Fee, priority will be given to the Sponsored seat.
6.4) Regarding Foreign Quota Applications: Foreign applicants will be enrolled according to point 1.5 of the Information Brochure, Entrance Examination and Admission Procedure for M.Sc. Programs, 2081 issued by the Entrance Examination Board.
Applicants applying under Foreign Quota must submit the following documents within the specified date and time:
Confirmation Page obtained after filling the Online Application Form for Foreign Quota Certified copy of passport or identity card with photo provided by the embassy
Regarding TA/RA Applications:
NoticeApplicants wishing to apply for TA/RA must pay a fee of NPR 500 and submit an application according to the format prepared by this committee when coming for enrollment as per the enrollment list. Only one program can be applied to from the programs mentioned in Table III of the Information Brochure, Entrance Examination and Admission Procedure for M.Sc. Programs, 2081. → The list of applicants for TA/RA will be published according to the entrance examination merit order. After submitting an application under the TA/RA program, shifting to a higher priority program will not be allowed. Detailed information about TA/RA can be obtained from the Pulchowk Campus TA/RA Guideline. TA/RA applications will only be included in the first phase of the enrollment process. Applicants who have applied to the Sponsored Quota cannot apply to the TA/RA program.
- Important Considerations When Applying: Applicants whose names are published and enrolled in a higher priority program will not be allowed to enroll in lower priority programs. However, if applicants are enrolled in lower priority programs and their merit ranking allows, their names may be published in higher priority programs in subsequent lists.
The same rule applies to full-fee programs. Specifically, if an applicant enrolled in a regular program is later published in a full-fee program due to higher priority, they must compulsorily enroll in the full-fee program, otherwise their enrollment will be canceled.
Therefore, only applicants who are absolutely certain about enrolling in either full-fee or regular programs are cautioned to apply. After enrollment, if an applicant does not wish to shift to a higher priority program, they must submit a written application stating their intention to remain in the currently enrolled program.
Applicants are advised not to fill priorities for programs they are not interested in and to apply only to programs of their genuine interest according to their preference.
Only one application can be made for IoE Reserved, Sponsored Quota, or TU/TU-IoE programs.
If an applicant has applied to IoE Reserved, Sponsored Quota, TU/TU-IoE, and Regular and/or Full-Fee, priority will be given to the quota-based application.
If a name is published under IoE Reserved, Sponsored Quota, or TU/TU-IoE, the applicant's name will automatically be removed from other priority lists.
Sponsored Quota applications will only be included in the first enrollment process.
- Considerations During Enrollment: √ After name publication for enrollment, it is mandatory to complete enrollment within the specified date and time by submitting required fees and documents.
√ If previously listed applicants cannot enroll within the specified time for any reason and wish to re-enroll, they can submit an application to the enrollment committee. Such applicants will only be included in subsequent lists according to their merit ranking, and only if seats remain vacant.
√ After enrollment, an applicant can remain in their enrolled program only if they submit a written application stating they do not wish to shift to a higher priority program.
√ When coming for enrollment, applicants must bring the following enrollment fees and documents within the specified date and time:
Tribhuvan University Registration Fee: Rs. 500/- (Rs. 1,000/- for students who graduated abroad).
Additional Fee for Hydropower Engineering: Rs. 50,000/-
Additional Fee per semester for Power Electronics and Drives Engineering, Material Science Engineering, and Climate Change and Development: Rs. 25,000/-
Required Documents:
Two copies of Nepali citizenship, passport, or identity card (for foreign applicants, provided by the embassy).
One copy of the National Identity Card (for banking purposes).
Scorecard from the entrance exam conducted by the Institute of Engineering Entrance Examination Board in January 2081.
Two recent passport-size photographs.
Certified copies of SLC/SEE, Higher Secondary level (10+2), or equivalent examination result sheets, certificates, and character certificates.
Graduation transcripts, certificates, and character certificates (certified copies).
Migration Certificate for graduates from other boards (Tribhuvan University).
Attested copy of the equivalency certificate for graduates from foreign boards.
Applicants applying for TA/RA positions must submit an additional Rs. 500/- and the specified application form to the Admission Committee.