Kathmandu University High School (KUHS) Admission Notice
KUHS invites NEW ADMISSIONS for the academic session 2082
The school offers exceptional educational nurturing in the pristine air of a beautiful hilltop setting. KUHS provides weekly boarding in modern facilities with day students coming from the local communities. Committed teachers have high academic experiences. A strong activities program (with life skills) builds character and independence.
Application Forms Available: Chaitra 4 - Chaitra 15, 2081
Application form has to be filled only for class 1 day scholars and 4, 5, and 6 hostellers.
Please download the application form from the school website, fill the details and send it to us via email ([email protected])
Please visit the school office from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 3 pm. -
Assessment for Admission: Saturday, Chaitra 16, 2081
For detailed information, Please Contact us:
Kathmandu University High School
Telephone: 011-490561 / 490638
Email: [email protected]
Admission Open