Diploma in Agriculture Admission at Bhimdatta Polytechnic Institute

Admission 30 Aug 2019 2597

Diploma in Agriculture Admission at Bhimdatta Polytechnic Institute

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Bhimdatta Polytechnic Institute, Patan,


Admission of Diploma in Agriculture (Plant Science) on the entrance examination taken by the Technical Education and Vocational Training Council, Examination Control Office, Sanothimi Bhaktapur, dated 2076/4/22. Candidates in the list are required to submit the required documents and Diploma in Civil Engineering on blank 90 seats. Apply along with the necessary documents for admission to the successful candidates in the entrance examination taken by Higher Education and Vocational Training Council, Examination Control Office, Sanothimi Bhaktapur, dated 2076/4/22. This notice has been published in the original registration book for registration within 2076/05/15. Detailed information is requested to contact this school.

Bhimdatta Polytechnic Institute:

 Patan, Baitadi

Phone: 095-400094


First Published - 2076/05/12
