Lumbini Pradesh PCL and Diploma Full Paying Entrance Result 2079 (Radiography, CMLT, OA, Nursing): CTEVT Lumbini Pradesh Very important information regarding the publication of the results of the trainees who have filled the application form for classified (free) full fee (health) for diploma/certificate level.
Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Office of Control of Examinations (OCE), Sanothimi Bhaktapur According to the information published in the GorkhaPatra National Daily for the academic semester of certificate level, "Diploma and certificate level entrance exam registration" issued by the examination control office from among the applicants who filled the application form for classified (free) full fee (health) for diploma/certificate level, the Full Paying distribution and admission guidelines 2079" and the results have been published based on the ranking as mentioned in the notification. This notice is published for the information of all concerned.
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Medical Laboratory Technology (CMLT).Pdf
Entrance Exam CTEVT Entrance Result