CTEVT Karnali Province Very important notice regarding the extension of the deadline for admission to various programs towards classified (free) scholarships of diploma and pre-diploma programs.
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Karnali Province Office, Birendra Nagar, Surkhet dated 2079-06-31 for the admission of candidates in the alternative list of classified (free) scholarship quota for diploma level and pre-diploma level.
As per the decision of the CTEVT Provincial Office dated 2079-07-17 due to the complaint received from the concerned stakeholders that traffic has been disrupted due to heavy rains (divine disasters) for about a week from 2079-06-19, the deadline for admission is up to 2079-07-20. has been added. All concerned stakeholders are informed through this notice. Otherwise, the provincial office will not be held accountable.
CTEVT CTEVT Scholarship Admission Open