CTEVT Gandaki Pradesh Admission Notice for Pre-Diploma, PCL and Diploma Level on Scholarship Quota

Admission 11 Dec 2020 1953

CTEVT Gandaki Pradesh Admission Notice for Pre-Diploma, PCL and Diploma Level on Scholarship Quota

CTEVT Gandaki Pradesh Admission Notice for Pre-Diploma, PCL, and Diploma Level on Scholarship Quota:

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Gandaki Pradesh, Pradesh Office, Malepatan, Pokhara notice regarding the recommendation in the vacant Classified Scholarship quota

The Technical Education and Vocational Training Council (CTEVT) in Gandaki Province, in the various educational programs at the Diploma and Certificate level and Pre-Diploma level in the affiliated, text, partner and affiliated educational institutions, categorized scholarship quotas. As per the amendment 2077), the results have been prepared on the basis of the merit list and published in the Gorkhapatra dated 24th Kartik 2077 and recommended.

Due to the non-enrollment of main candidates in the programs of some educational institutions, a notice was published in Gorakhapatra on 18th Mangsir 2077 in the vacant quotas.

Candidates who are interested in studying in the vacant seat and are on the alternate and passed list of the same program should submit the application within 7 (seven) days by mentioning the program of the institution they want to study in this office or by attaching the phone number and admission letter in this office or email [email protected].

Vacancies and event information can be viewed on the office's website: www.ctevtgandaki.org.np.
