Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management, Dean's Office, Kirtipur Announces Central Management Admission Test (CMAT) for the admission to: Bachelor of Mountaineering Studies (BMS)
Applicants can fill the GMAT Application form at Nepal Mountain Academy or can fill out the online application (GMAT) form from August 13 - September 17 2023 (Shrawan 28 - Bhadra 31, 2080) at URL: www.tudoms.org/cmat/create.
The Central Management Admission Test (GMAT) will be conducted by the Faculty of Management TU, on September 30, 2023 (Ashoj 13, 2080) Saturday at 8:00 am.
Minimum D grade in each subject with GCPA 1.8 or more in grade 11 and 12
Minimum D+ grade in each subject of grade 11 and 12 with CGPA 1.8 or more who passed in 2078 or before 2078
A minimum score of second division marks in 10+2, PCL, or Equivalent in any discipline.
Students who are waiting for grade 11 and grade 12 results can also apply. However, they have to submit passed certificate of grade 11 and 12 at the time of admission.
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation
Nepal Mountain Academy
Thapagaun, Bijulibazar, Kathmandu
Telephone: 01-5244312, 01-5244888, 9851014486
Email: [email protected], www.nma.gov.np
Entrance Exam Notice Admission Open