CMAT Entrance 2081 Application Open from Tribhuvan University
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management, Office of the Dean Announces Central Management Admission Test (CMAT) for admission to BBA, BBM, BIM, BPA, BHM, BTTM, BBA-F, and BMS for the academic sessions 2024.
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
- Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)
- Bachelor of Information Management (BIM)
- Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA)
- Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM)
- Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM)
- Bachelor of Business Administration-Finance (BBA - F)
- Bachelor of Mountaineering Studies (BMS)
Programs for the admission year 2081 (2024)
First time Notice publication date: Ashar 15, 2081 (June 29, 2024)
- Minimum D grade in each subject with CGPA 1.8 or more in grade 11 and 12
Or - Minimum D+ grade in each subject of grade 11 and 12 with CGPA 1.8 or more who passed in 2078 or before 2078
Or - Minimum score of second division marks in 10+2, PCL or Equivalent in any discipline
Or - Students who are waiting for upgrading results can also apply. However, they have to submit passed certificate of grade 11 and 12 at the time of admission.
Important Dates
- CMAT Application Form open from: June 30-August 23, 2024 (Ashar 16- Bhadra 7, 2081)
- Date of Admission Test (to all programmes): August 31, 2024 (Bhadra 15, 2081) - Saturday
- Time: 8:00 AM
Test Center and other details:
To be notified by the FoM to the respective campuses submitting CMAT form or Visit FoM website
- The Details of Admission procedures, criteria, and selection process is available at FoM website www.fomecd.edu.np and www.tudoms.org
- Link of Online Application (CMAT) form is available at the FoM website www.fomecd.edu.np or www.tudoms.org
- Online CMAT Application form is to be submitted in any campus offering respective programmes by paying Rs 1,000 (Rs one thousand only) in the account of Dean Office through online payment (connect IPS/fonepay) system. The account number of Dean Office 0450010009966000001.
- The concerned campus/colleges should submit/forward the details of the applicants in prescribed format by 11:00 AM 27 August 2024 (Bhadra 11, 2081).
Tribhuvan University Entrance Exam