BE / B.Arch Entrance Exam 2081/2082 from IOE, TU
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering (IoE), Entrance Examination Board Notice Regarding the Entrance Examination for Bachelor Level (BE / B. Arch) Admission for the Academic Year 2081 / 2082 BS This notice is published to inform all concerned about the entrance examination for various bachelor level programs (BE / B. Arch) to be conducted through computer-based method in the academic year 2081 / 2082 BS. The entrance examination will be held from 2081 Bhadra 16 at the Institute of Engineering, Information and Communication Technology Center (ICTC), Pulchowk, Lalitpur, and at the designated places, times, and shifts in Western Regional Campus, Pokhara.
The 5 constituent campuses and 10 affiliated colleges under the Institute of Engineering are as follows:
Constituent Campuses:
- Pulchowk Campus, Pulchowk, Lalitpur
- Thapathali Campus, Thapathali, Kathmandu
- Eastern Regional Campus, Dharan
- Western Regional Campus, Pokhara
- Chitwan Engineering Campus, Rampur, Chitwan
Affiliated Colleges:
- Kantipur Engineering College, Lalitpur
- Kathmandu Engineering College, Kathmandu
- Himalaya College of Engineering, Lalitpur
- Advanced College of Engineering and Management, Kathmandu
- National College of Engineering, Lalitpur
- Kathford International College of Engineering and Management, Lalitpur
- Janakpur Engineering College, Bhaktapur
- Khwopa College of Engineering, Bhaktapur
- Sagarmatha Engineering College, Lalitpur
- Lalitpur Engineering College, Lalitpur
The following 12 programs are being conducted:
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics, Communication, and Information Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Agriculture Engineering
- Architecture
- Industrial Engineering
- Automobile Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Geomatics Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
1. Minimum Qualifications for Application
1.1 Students who have passed the proficiency certificate level or higher secondary level or A Level or Engineering Diploma level or equivalent exams with at least 45% of the total marks, or if in Letter Grading (for NEB), a minimum of C Grade in each subject in the final grade, having taken Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects in grades 11 and 12 from an institution recognized by TU or IoE, or those who have appeared in the final exam of class 12 or equivalent, or those who have appeared in the sixth semester exam of the Engineering Diploma, can apply and participate in the entrance examination.
1.2 Foreign nationals can apply only for the full-fee programs.
2. Application Form Filling Method and Required Documents
2.1 Applicants must fill out and submit the entrance examination application form online through the IoE's website: https://entrance.ioe.edu.np.
2.2 The online form will be available on the website from 2081/04/27 at 10:00 AM until 2081/05/09 at 5:00 PM. It is notified that the application form must be filled within this period. The online form will automatically close after the specified time.
2.3 The application form can be filled from any location with internet access at any time within the specified days.
2.4 The entrance examination fee of NPR 2,000 (Two thousand only) must be deposited in any branch of Siddhartha Bank Ltd. within Nepal using a special voucher prepared by the bank for the IoE entrance exam. Once the bank voucher is issued, the examination fee will not be refunded. The Siddhartha Banksmart service provided by the bank can also be used for free to pay the application fee. The fee can also be deposited via Connect IPS / eSewa / Khalti wallet. Additional charges will apply as per the service provider's rules when using Connect IPS / eSewa / Khalti wallet. Detailed information about the payment process using Connect IPS / eSewa / Khalti wallet or Banksmart can be viewed on the website https://entrance.ioe.edu.np. While filling out the online form, the bank voucher number or Transaction ID Number (Connect IPS/ eSewa/Khalti wallet) must be entered mandatorily.
*Applicants must deposit the entrance examination fee by 3:00 PM on 2081/05/09. The application form must be filled out by 5:00 PM on the same day.
2.5 Applicants must fill in the information as per the given instructions while filling out the form: (a) Applicant's identification: Name, father's and mother's name, date of birth, permanent address, details of SLC / SEE and I.Sc./ 10 + 2 / A Level / Engineering Diploma or equivalent results, a recently taken 350 Ă— 300 Pixel color digital photo showing the full forehead with a plain background. Photos of other sizes will not be accepted. (b) The number of examinees in each date, place, and shift will be limited, so applicants should fill out the form as soon as possible to confirm the date, place, and shift of their preference. The exam date, place, and shift once confirmed will not be changed under any circumstances.
2.6 While filling out the online form, a digital copy of the certificate with the applicant's photo and signature (such as citizenship certificate, national identity card, driver's license, passport, or entry card for the final year/semester exam of I.Sc/ 10+2 / Engineering Diploma) must be uploaded.
2.7 After submitting the online exam form, the Acknowledgement Page received immediately must be printed.
2.8 After 2081/05/13, the admission cards will be available online according to the exam date in stages. The admission card must be downloaded and color printed. The admission card is mandatory to participate in the exam.
2.9 When coming to the exam, the original certificate with the photo and ID mentioned in the admission card as per point 2.6 must also be brought.
2.10 Applicants who have submitted the online form must verify whether their name appears on the date, place, and shift specified on the Acknowledgement Page received as per point 2.7. If not, they must contact the entrance examination board by 11:00 AM on 2081/05/12.
3. Information Regarding Entrance Examination and Admission
3.1 The questions in the entrance examination conducted through the computer method based on information technology will be objective. There will be 100 questions. 10% of the marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
3.2 The entrance exam will be conducted through a computer method for a total of two hours based on the syllabus published on the website https://entrance.ioe.edu.np by the IOE Entrance Examination Board, covering the subjects English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
3.3 Additional information regarding the entrance examination and admission will be available later on the website https://entrance.ioe.edu.np in the "Detailed Information on Entrance Examination and Campus Admission - 2081".
3.4 Candidates wishing to be admitted under various quotas and reserved seats (female quota, teacher/staff quota, inclusive and disadvantaged reservation quota, reserved seats for government and government-owned institutions, reserved seats for foreign nationals) in the constituent campuses must prepare all necessary documents published in the "Detailed Information on Entrance Examination and Campus Admission - 2081" before the start of the IoE's campus college admission schedule.
Candidates who pass the BE / B.Arch entrance examination conducted by TU IoE for the academic year 2081 / 2082 and meet the legal criteria set by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology of the Government of Nepal will be eligible to be candidates for engineering scholarships provided by the ministry in the year 2081/2082.