Students interested to study Bachelor in Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics, Communication & Information Engineering and Architecture in Himalaya College of Engineering, are informed to fill up the application forms (passed in 10E BE/B Arch Entrance Examination-2076) from 17th to 20th of Bhadra 2076. The forms which are already filled are applicable for the coming admission lists.
Entrance Preparation Class:
- BSc CSIT: From 17th of Bhadra 2076
- BCA: From 18th of Bhadra 2076
College remains open on public holidays from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. For further details, please contact:
Himalaya College of Engineering
(Affiliated to TU. )
Chyasal -9, Lalitpur, Nepal, Phone: 01 5540555, 5554287, 5554297
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hcoe.edu.np