Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Law, Dean's Office, Exhibition Marg, Kathmandu. Notification regarding Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws (BA LLB) Entrance Exam
For the information of all concerned, the notice regarding the entrance examination to be taken for admission to the first semester of the BALLB program in the semester system of the academic session 2079/080 has been published by the Faculty of Law.
Course Duration: 5 Years
Application form distribution and registration: From Tuesday 01 Kartik 2079 to Wednesday 30 Kartik 2079, between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM, Tribhuvan University (TU) Faculty of Law Dean's Office, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, and Prithvi Narayan Campus, Pokhara. Application Form Rs. 100 will be paid.
Entrance Examination Fee: Entrance Examination Fee Rs.1,200.- (literally one thousand two hundred only).
Minimum Educational Qualification: Candidates who have passed the secondary level (10+2) or equivalent examination can fill the application form. In the case of applicants who have passed from National Examination Board (NEB) Nepal, applicants who have obtained up to grade D are eligible to fill out the form.
Date and Time of Entrance Exam: Saturday 17th Mangsir 2079 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Place of entrance exam: will be published later. Again, more information about the exam can be seen on the notice board of the office and on the website www.fol.edu.np.
Notice published date: 2079-07-01